Automation tests: how, why and with what tech?

de | noiembrie 16, 2021 | Technology

We interrupt this program to bring to your attention automated testing.

Why? Because we see testing as part of the software development process. And we know we are not the only ones.

TL;DR –> Testing is like a sanity check:

  • automation tests are used in order to cover all of the cases and flows of an app and to ensure that what you built today does not damages the work you did yesterday;
  • it is recommended that the applied tests cover 80% of the flows (ideally speaking, don’t shoot the messenger);
  • automation tests ensure a happy development of an app, making it as clean, polished and bug-free as possible.

By testing, we make sure the developed system is in a stable state.

Usually, developers test their code. But having a tester as part of a development team is like an investment, a logistical investment. Do you agree? From a developer’s point of view, probably. As a client, work in progress. 😀

If you wonder why to test, the answer is to ensure the overall quality of the experience.
As each developer change can end-up braking functionality, automated testing can shorten development life cycles, eliminate the possibility of human error and automate monotonous tasks. Using automation technology also means that testing can be done more frequently, improving the overall functionality, further ensuring that the project is ready to move onto the next stage of development. And this validation gives the team a boost to continue developing.

If you wonder how to test, the answer is manually or automated. Like any automated activity, everything starts with manual observation, checking and reporting. But once this activity turns into a pattern that can be automated, why not take it to the next level?
You can see testing as a continuous process, actively testing while making active development; or you assign, for example, two weeks, in which you test big chunks of the code previously developed and report the results. It depends on the needed approach for that particular project.

If you wonder what tech to use, we could give you names, like Selenium or Cypress, but the answer here is It depends. That is why it is essential to use different types of test automation frameworks to establish the best one for successful test automation.

As a client, if you wonder about the cost of automated testing, our answer is that, over time, automated testing pays for itself.

Automated testing frees you up to focus on larger issues such as customer needs, functionality and improvements. Automated testing also reduces the cost and need for multiple code revisions, so over the course of time, the investment pays out.

So, do you now see testing as an activity destined for sanity purposes?


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