Spring Web Flow

de | octombrie 13, 2023 | Technology

TLDR. Spring Web Flow is a powerful framework that allows developers to create complex and dynamic web applications with ease. This versatile tool helps you guide users through different states and transitions in your application, ensuring a seamless user experience. Whether you are working on a small project or building an enterprise-level application, Spring Web Flow can help simplify the process of configuring flows and managing conversations between users. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Spring Web Flow – from its concept and relevance in today’s world of web development to its pros and cons. So if you’re ready to take your web development skills to the next level, let’s dive into the world of Spring Web Flow!


What actually is it

Spring Web Flow is a powerful framework for building and managing complex web flows in your application. It provides a flexible, easy-to-use model for defining and executing user conversations or flows.

At its core, Spring Web Flow is all about managing the state of your application as users move through different screens or pages. This means you can focus on designing intuitive user interfaces without worrying about how to manage the underlying flow of data and logic.

The framework works by breaking down your application into individual states that represent specific points in the flow. These states are connected by transitions that define how users move from one state to another based on their actions.

In addition to basic states and transitions, Spring Web Flow also supports advanced features like subflows, which allow you to build reusable sub-sequences of states within a larger flow. You can even use decision states to create conditional branching paths based on user input.

Spring Web Flow is an essential tool for any developer who wants to build robust, scalable web applications with ease. Whether you’re using Tomcat or Jetty as your server environment or integrating it with other frameworks like Spring MVC, this guide will provide step-by-step instructions for configuring and optimizing your flows to meet the needs of your users.


Why is it relevant

Spring Web Flow is relevant for web application developers who want to create complex and user-friendly applications with ease. Its main goal is to simplify the process of building stateful, conversation-based web applications that involve multiple pages/forms.

Web Flow allows for easy management of the flow between different states and transitions, making it easier for users to navigate through an application. It also provides a way to handle data across multiple pages/forms without losing any information.

One important aspect of Spring Web Flow is its ability to configure action states, decision states, endstates, subflows, and other features that make it flexible enough to support various types of use cases. This makes it especially useful in scenarios where you need conditional logic or require input from users before proceeding further into your application.

Moreover, Spring Web Flow can be used alongside Spring MVC which means that you can leverage both platforms together seamlessly. This enables developers to build more robust web applications with enhanced functionality while still relying on familiar frameworks.

Because Spring Web Flow works on top of servlet containers like Tomcat and Jetty and uses classpath scanning for configuration purposes instead of XML files or annotations; this makes managing configurations much simpler too.


How and when to use it

Understanding the context is crucial when it comes to developing a Spring Web Flow application. In this case, the context refers to the environment in which your application will be running.

Truth be told, Spring has been missing out on the UI tier. As frameworks such as Angular, React or Vue have migrated towards Single Page Applications and Progressive Web Applications (link to PWA article) ,Spring has been stuck in the Server Side Rendering era. Webflow is no different. The ingenious part of Webflow is that it has been engineered to grant its users the ability of creating “state machine” kind of flows on the web side.

UI developers are used to expressing application behavior in Screens or interfaces that users can use in order to satisfy their usage scenarios. Webflox allows you to have certain “states” for these screens so that you can keep data encapsulated per need. If a piece of data needs to be present on multiple screens, then the data can be part of something called an Episode. And multiple Episodes that pass data along, are known as a flow. This is how you would describe a UI application in Webflow lingo. 

The power of Webflow comes from its ability to create distinct flows using repetitive screens. Let’s take for example an e-commerce web application. A usual flow would be to select products from a list, add it to a cart, proceed to checkout, pay and get notified of the delivery status. In Webflow’s view, this is something called a flow. Each flow is made up of episodes that pass data between each-other. As Webflow is basically a backend technology, it also manages the state of transactions that are persisted in the data source, ensuring that no data is kept in memory longer than it is needed. This means that the data objects are scoped to flows and screens, and that everything is handled by the framework itself.

Just to grasp the advantages of Webflow, let’s take another example. Let’s say that we want to extend our product based e-commerce site so that it also supports the selling of online courses. In this case, Webflow grants us the possibility of reusing the episodes and screens that this flow has in common with the product flow, so that maximal reusability can be achieved. And this is why webflow is called webflow!

Additionally, understanding the user’s flow of interaction with your application is important for determining how states and transitions should be configured. This includes identifying action states, decision states as well as endstates.

Moreover, subflows play an important role in managing complex flows within an application by breaking down larger processes into smaller ones. Configuring these subflows requires careful consideration of both their logical structure and placement within the overall flow.



Spring Web Flow is a powerful tool that offers several advantages for developers, making the application development process much more efficient. Firstly, it allows the creation of complex workflows and conversations between users and applications with ease.

Another advantage of using Spring Web Flow is its ability to manage states and transitions effectively. This feature eliminates the need for manual state management in an application, saving time and effort for developers.

Additionally, configuring action states, decision states, endstates, subflows and other components within Spring Web Flow is relatively easy. Moreover, Spring MVC can be seamlessly integrated with it along with Tomcat or Jetty as servers.

Furthermore, flow data can be stored conveniently across sessions without any hassle. The framework provides various tools which aid in debugging problems when they arise during production.

In summary, Spring Web Flow offers numerous benefits to developers looking to create intricate workflows within their applications quickly. Its integration capabilities offer flexibility compared to similar frameworks available in the market today.



While Spring Web Flow provides a lot of benefits to its users, there are also some downsides to consider. The main “yuch” point about web flow is the fact that its community is rather limited. When we worked with Spring Web Flow, we used to joke that we are part of the select 6 people that got certified in Spring Web Flow and that use web flow in production. Although there are resources such as the Pivotal Certified Spring Webflow Application Developer certification program, you can literally feel the absence of community.

Another possible drawback is that Spring Web Flow may not be the best fit for all types of applications. If your application doesn’t require complex conversation management or flow control, using this framework might add unnecessary complexity and overhead. That, plus the fact that in today’s world, almost everyone opts for having thicker clients such as SPAs.

In addition, because Spring Web Flow uses a stateful approach to managing conversations between pages or views in an application, it can result in larger amounts of flow data being stored on the server. This may cause performance issues if not managed properly.

While Tomcat and Jetty support running Spring MVC web applications out-of-the-box with no additional configuration required other than adding them to your classpath; deploying a Spring Web Flow application into these servers requires extra setup steps which could deter some users from adopting it.

And the most sucky part about web flow is the fact that it’s mostly used with technologies such as Primefaces or Java Server Faces, which means that concrete and complex examples of how the framework can be used as a force of good in today’s world, are mostly scarce.


To sum up, Spring Web Flow is a powerful framework that provides developers with an efficient way of building complex web applications. It offers numerous benefits such as modularity, flexibility, and maintainability.

By providing a structured approach to handle user interactions and conversations in the form of flows, it makes it easy for developers to manage the state transitions within their application. Moreover, its ability to configure flow data and action states allows developers to customize every aspect of their flows according to their needs.

However, like any other technology or framework out there, Spring Web Flow has some drawbacks too. Its steep learning curve might intimidate beginners who are not familiar with the underlying concepts or principles behind it. Additionally, configuring subflows could be challenging at times.

Despite its disadvantages though, we believe that Spring Web Flow is an excellent choice for enterprise-level web application development projects where complexity is high and scalability requirements are stringent. With robust support from various Java application servers such as Tomcat and Jetty along with seamless integration with Spring MVC through classpath scanning capabilities – this framework proves itself as a reliable option among many others in the market today!

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