Outsourcing: How to do it and why?

Outsourcing: How to do it and why?

Outsourcing, probably the hottest trend in web development in recent years, is still surrounded by mystery and keeps puzzling clients everywhere. Giants like Microsoft or Apple have successfully adopted this practice, yet small and medium clients still feel nervous...
Monolith vs Microservices: Which should you use

Monolith vs Microservices: Which should you use

For the longest time, a monolith architecture was the default for development teams across the world. In the past 20 years, Microservices have also gained a foothold in the market. Microservices as a software architecture has made its way into the development teams of...
Your Business: From Offline To Online

Your Business: From Offline To Online

Digitalization is a big deal, even where you might least expect it. 9 out of 10 industrial companies are investing in online factories. Global spending on IoT solutions is expected to surpass the $70 billion threshold by the end of the year. But it’s not just a...
Are Containers Taking Over the World of Infrastructure?

Are Containers Taking Over the World of Infrastructure?

Virtual Machines have been a tried-and-tested industry standard in software development and IT for a long time. Allowing multiple OSs to run on a single piece of hardware at the same time was a game-changer in terms of scalability and the design of scaling software...
Should You Use Infrastructure as Code?

Should You Use Infrastructure as Code?

If there’s one thing most developers love, it is automation. Figuring out how to automate menial, boring, and repetitive tasks allows you to work more on exciting things that truly require your expertise, while also improving the workflow and increasing the overall...