How Are Software Applications Created?

How Are Software Applications Created?

In this day and age, it is quite difficult to go a day without interacting with some type of software application. Certain software tools, like search engines, streaming platforms, or calculators probably play a part in our activities, be it professionally or...
Amazon App Composer

Amazon App Composer

TLDR. Are you tired of spending countless hours configuring and deploying your applications on traditional servers? Look no further than Amazon Web Services (AWS) Application Composer, the ultimate solution for creating serverless applications. With its simple...
Look: The Next Breakthrough For All Volunteers

Look: The Next Breakthrough For All Volunteers

The Idea of Meeting Point: Volunteer work is one the greatest way to contribute to society’s development. These days more and more people are looking for volunteers to build projects and create a community around them. This was the exact aim of Meeting Point. To build...
Autowass – The Car Repair Revolution Is Now Here

Autowass – The Car Repair Revolution Is Now Here

The Idea: The classical auto industry has reached its peak at the moment, and people are starting to diversify into other things, such as electric cars, or racing cars for civilians or self-driving cars. Either way you slice it, the industry itself is changing. The...
Automation tests: how, why and with what tech?

Automation tests: how, why and with what tech?

We interrupt this program to bring to your attention automated testing. Why? Because we see testing as part of the software development process. And we know we are not the only ones. TL;DR –> Testing is like a sanity check: automation tests are used in order to...