Automate Your Business with Angular and IOS development

Automate Your Business with Angular and IOS development

Organizations are now focusing on software development solutions optimized for the mobile-first environment and can be used across numerous platforms. When it comes to reaching out to target customers, this has been the key technique for any web or mobile development...
Sports Fan? Check Out The Story Behind The FanCoin App

Sports Fan? Check Out The Story Behind The FanCoin App

What is the project all about?FanCoin is one of our success stories, but if you want a simple answer like explaining it to a 5 year old, it would sound something like this: “Hey kid, we both like to play and watch sports but how well do you know the teams? Let’s play...
The Calibrated Normalization Method

The Calibrated Normalization Method

Normalizing story points for enterprises Insightful Analogy The concept of normalizing estimates is analogous to converting (i.e., normalizing) currencies across different divisions of a multi-national company.  This analogy helps us understand the need for story...